The Count of Monte-Cristo by Alexandre Dumas


  • Author(s): Alexandre Dumas (pére).
  • Language: English.
  • Publication date: 1844.
  • Format: PDF. Easily readable everywhere in your smartphone, PC, kindle, tablet or laptop.
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The Count of Monte-Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

A man’s life is upended by a betrayal that leads to his unjust imprisonment, but he emerges with a plan for an extraordinary and mysterious path to redemption.

The Count of Monte Cristo is one of the most famous works of the French writer Alexandre Dumas, who set a milestone both in modern literature as his did in his own time.

Edmond Dantès is falsely imprisoned for 14 years. While incarcerated, he learns of a treasure on the island of Monte Cristo. He escapes, finds the treasure, and becomes the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo.

The Count returns to France and systematically ruins the four men responsible for his wrongful imprisonment. He achieves his revenge, though at great personal cost.

This novel was first published as a complete book in 1844.


The story follows the life of a young man named Edmond Dantès. Through a series of unfortunate events, Dantès is wrongfully imprisoned and spends many years incarcerated. During his time in prison, he learns of a great treasure and hatches a plan to escape and uncover it.

Once free, Dantès reinvents himself as the wealthy and enigmatic Count of Monte Cristo. He returns to France and begins to interact with those connected to his past imprisonment. The Count's true motivations and the details of his history are slowly revealed over the course of the narrative.

The novel explores themes of justice, vengeance, and the consequences of one's actions. It is considered a classic work of French literature known for its intricate plot and captivating protagonist.


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