Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid


  • Author(s): Taylor Jenkins Reid.
  • Language: english.
  • Publication date: July 7, 2015.
  • Format: PDF and ePUB. Easily readable everywhere on your smartphone, PC, kindle, tablet or laptop.
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ISBN: 978-1476776880

Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid

“From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo”

At twenty-nine years old, Hannah Martin finds herself at a crossroads, uncertain about her life’s direction. Having resided in six different cities and held a series of unfulfilling jobs since graduating college, she returns to her hometown of Los Angeles, taking up temporary residence in her best friend Gabby’s guestroom. During a night out at a bar with Gabby, Hannah unexpectedly encounters Ethan, her high school boyfriend.

As the clock strikes midnight, Gabby proposes leaving, while Ethan offers to give Hannah a ride if she chooses to stay. Caught in a moment of indecision, Hannah is faced with two diverging paths. What will happen if she leaves with Gabby? And what if she leaves with Ethan?

In parallel storylines that unfold simultaneously, Hannah experiences the repercussions of each choice. These alternate realities rapidly evolve into distinct narratives with far-reaching consequences not only for Hannah but also for those around her. As these two worlds unfold, “Maybe in Another Life” delves into profound inquiries about destiny and true love: Is anything predetermined? To what extent are our lives shaped by chance? And most intriguingly, does the concept of a soul mate truly exist?

Hannah firmly believes it does, and in both realities, she believes she has found him.

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Categories: Romance – Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Washington SP.
Language: English.
ISBN 13: 978-1476776880.
A People Magazine Pick * US Weekly “Must” Pick * Named “Best Book of the Summer” by Glamour * Good Housekeeping * USA TODAY * Cosmopolitan * PopSugar * Working Mother * Bustle * Goodreads

A breathtaking new novel about a young woman whose fate hinges on the choice she makes after bumping into an old flame; in alternating chapters, we see two possible scenarios unfold—with stunningly different results.

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